Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Iran: King Cyrus Day
by Amil Imani (Arutz Sheva)

October 29th honors Cyrus the Great, a pioneer in promoting human rights who allowed the Jews to return to Israel in 539 B.C.E. Iran's present barbaric Islamic regime is attempting to erase vestiges of its enlightened non-Islamic cultural heritage.

October 29th has been designated as the international day of Cyrus the Great, a matchless king of Persia. Commemorating Cyrus the Great is synonymous with honoring the glorious ancient Iranians and Iranians’ way of life. Palpable reminders to Iranians and all liberty-loving people of the world of this just king’s reign stand in the field of Pasargad.

The International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad has the undying gratitude of the diverse people of the Greater Iran for its work in safeguarding these magnificent symbols of Iran’s luminous past which serve as beacons for guiding all people in their quest for freedom and dignity.

The arduous task undertaken by the Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad is all the more difficult in the face of the present Islamic regime’s relentless barbaric attempts to wipe out any and all vestiges of Iran’s proud and praiseworthy cultural heritage. To these barbaric Islamists, any ideals or symbols representing humanity’s non-Islamic enlightenment is good only for the fire of their bigotry.

The Cyrus-as-human-rights-pioneer is rather overplayed, although, as I've said before, he does look good compared to Iran's current leaders. Background here and follow the links.